I’m listening to my End-of-Life playlist as I write this. Because I hadn’t reviewed it in a long time, I decided to see if I still want all these songs.
As I listen, the traumas and dramas of the outside world begin to fade. Right now, Up On the Roof plays and I’m smiling. It’s early in the morning and I’m smiling, not only my lips widening upward but my entire body lightening. The heavy burdens of outside threats and the inner turmoil in my body have melted away.
And I think, this is how I’d like my life to end—floating away on the sounds I’ve loved.
Music has carried me through some of my worst days. It has lifted me and helped me cry tears that needed to be released. It has given voice to words I couldn’t express about what I felt. It has taken me out of the horror story that was my teenage life.
I just finished reading Barbra Streisand’s book and thanks to my iPad, I could listen to the songs she mentioned. This reminded me how much I love music. I’d forgotten to play music the way I did when I was young.
I recall dancing around my first two apartments, blasting my stereo as I cleaned my home. Music playing when I returned home from work or school and did my homework. Music on when another breakup broke my heart, and I needed to cry or find inspiration. Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive pointed me toward self-empowerment and let me know this heartbreak didn’t mean the end of me, and I found a new beginning.
Right now, I’m listening to Stevie Wonder’s Free. Few have heard this song, but it’s the one I want played at my memorial or celebration of life. “And I’m free to be nowhere but every place I need to be…free from feeling heat or knowing bitter cold…I’m gone, but still living, life goes on without a beating heart.”
Music plays and I’m present. No concerns. The sounds, words, beat moves through my body and I am one with the world. One with myself. No longer scattered by caring about things beyond my control.
Theme From A Summer Place just came on. It’s on my list because it’s Bobby’s favorite song. I used to exercise to it when I was in high school. The movie, A Summer Place is a soap opera, but it’s delightful because Sandra Dee was beyond adorable and remains one of my favorites. Oh, how I loved Gidget and James Darren singing to her. Talk about a crush. Fond memories.
I’d forgotten how music saved me until I began listening to my playlist this morning and remembered music transports me out of any concerns as I float along with each song.
And now, Louis Armstrong sings It’s A Wonderful World. We played it at our wedding when we entered the reception holding hands. Here’s a picture:

What are the songs that transport you to special places? Please share so we may all enjoy.
I wish you all a day where music lifts your soul, and you find peace and joy.
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